вторник, 20 апреля 2010 г.

Additional Considerations

The modeling work presented in Appendix С assumes a neutrally-buoyant, gaseous hydrogen sulfide release in flat, rural terrain under steady-state meteorological conditions. Also, the ROEs shown in Figures C-l through C-4 are for a generic class of hydrogen sulfide releases covering a wide range of site and release conditions. Actual ROEs will be de­pendent on the specifics of the type of release, release con­ditions, and release site. For instance, the ROEs for a release in a more urban setting where structures, buildings, etc. are present will be reduced significantly due to structure-induced turbulence. Some other conditions that could significantly af­fect the actual ROE include: a liquid/aerosol release, dense cloud behavior, a buoyant cloud (plume liftoff), a jet release, time-dependent release (well blowout, pipeline ruptures, etc.), and complex terrain. If any of these phenomena are present, then more rigorous modeling may be necessary.

The ROE curves of Figures C-l through C-4 should not be used when the mixture of hydrogen sulfide and carrier gas being dispersed is significantly heavier than air and the mix­ture is released at a low velocity. If the hydrogen sulfide/car-rier gas mixture specific gravity exceeds approximately 1.2, Figures C-l through C-4 may not give conservative ROEs for all release rates and meteorological conditions. Hydrogen sulfide, as encountered in the petroleum industry, is usually

clip_image001a minor constituent of a carrier gas, such as natural gas or carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has a specific gravity of 1.52. Dispersion predictions for hydrogen sulfide/carbon dioxide mixtures, using a dense gas model sometimes under-predict hydrogen sulfide ROEs for low velocity gas releases. Low velocity gas releases would include those with initial velocities less than 200 feet/second and releases greater than 200 feet/second involve impact of the gas jet from the leak with a nearby surface, thereby breaking the jet's momentum. Likewise, Figures C-l through C-4 should not be used with any hydrogen sulfide/carrier gas release that potentially could form an aerosol.

Figures C-l through C-4 can also substantially overpredict ROEs. In the case of hydrogen sulfide/carrier gas mixtures significantly lighter than air (i.e., specific gravity less than 0.8) released at low velocity, use of these illustrations may overpredict ROEs by a factor of 2 to 3. Use of these illustra­tions can result in overestimation of ROEs for high velocity hydrogen sulfide/carrier gas releases (i.e., gas release veloc­ities greater than 200 feet/second) regardless of the orienta­tion of the release. However, this overprediction is particularly significant in the case of vertical, high-velocity releases. In such situations, the overprediction can be two or­ders of magnitude. The user should consult more rigorous at­mospheric dispersion models.

When calculating the ROE for dilute concentrations of hazardous gases, a significant overestimation can result. For example, it would not be practical to expect higher down­wind atmospheric concentrations than are present in the re­leased gas stream. The user should consult more rigorous atmospheric dispersion models.

In summary, the composition of the hydrogen sulfide/car­rier gas and the velocity and orientation of the release are critical variables, dramatically affecting predicted hydrogen sulfide ROEs. Also, other variables, such as released gas temperature and flashing or aerosol formation involving liq­uid containing dissolved hydrogen sulfide, can have signifi­cant impacts on ROE predictions. Accurate atmospheric dispersion techniques are, of necessity, complex. Under some circumstances, such as those mentioned above, more rigorous modeling may be required.

References and models are available to address special re­lease scenarios. A partial list of models that may be used in such cases is shown in Pars. C.5 and C.6. API does not en­dorse any one particular model. Further guidance on appro­priate model selection and application can be obtained from the model developers as well as other individuals experi­enced in this field. A specific reference to address well blowout and pipeline ruptures is "Release and Dispersion of Gas from Pipe Line Ruptures" Wilson, D. J., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

In the event that hydrogen sulfide release quantities calcu­lated by the user are below the ranges shown in Figures C-l

through C-4, extensions of the ROE curves are allowed to a minimum ROE of 50 feet. In some cases, ROEs of less than 50 feet may be inferred from extrapolation of the curves. Figures C-l through C-4 were developed using an assumed release height plus plume rise of 10 feet. Actual release heights of other than 10 feet will result in different ROEs.

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