вторник, 20 апреля 2010 г.

Sample Calculations for Figures C-1 through C-4

The following calculations may be used to estimate vol­ume and mass of hydrogen sulfide when total gas volume and its hydrogen sulfide content are known:

Continuous Release.

Assume: Release of 5,000,000 SCFD of natural gas con­taining 8,000 ppm (by volume) of hydrogen sulfide.

Note: The user must know both the volume (or flow rate) of natural gas and its hydrogen sulfide concentration so that Figures C-I through C-4 can be effectively used.

To determine standard cubic feet per hour (SCFH) of hy­drogen sulfide released, the following calculations should be performed using appropriate values for the conditions being evaluated:

5,000,000 SCFD x 8,000 ppm H2S

24,000,000 - 1,667 SCFH of H2S released.

To determine the pounds of hydrogen sulfide released per hour, the following calculations should be performed using appropriate values for the conditions being evaluated:

5,000,000 SCFD x 8,000 ppm H2S

267,605,634 - 150 lb/hr of H2S released.

Instantaneous Release.

Assume: Release of 100,000 SCF of natural gas contain­ing 8,000 ppm (by volume) of hydrogen sulfide. Also, as­sume this example is a daytime release, 5 miles per hour

wind speed (refer to Figure C-3).

To determine the volume (SCF) of hydrogen sulfide re­leased, the following calculations should be performed using appropriate values for the conditions being evaluated:

100,000 SCF x 8,000 ppm H2S

1,000,000 - 800 SCF of H2S released

After applying the appropriate calculations and using known factors to arrive at either hydrogen sulfide release rate or quantity of hydrogen sulfide released, refer to the appro­priate chart (Figs. C-1 through C-4) or the equation in Par. C.8 (example calculations in Pars. C.9 through С12) for ob­taining radius of exposure (ROE) information.

The following equation can be used to convert percent hy­drogen sulfide to parts per million on a volume basis:

Percent H2S x 10,000 - ppm H2S

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