понедельник, 19 апреля 2010 г.

Personnel Training, INTRODUCTION

Operators of oil and gas producing and gas processing op­erations involving hydrogen sulfide shall alert personnel (in­cluding employees, service companies, and contractors) of the possibility of hydrogen sulfide atmospheric concentra­tions greater than 10 ppm and sulfur dioxide atmospheric concentrations greater than 2 ppm that may be encountered in the performance of their work. All personnel working in an area where concentrations of hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide may exceed the levels stipulated in Par. 4.1.a should be provided with training prior to beginning the work assign­ment. All employers, whether operator, contractor, or sub­contractor, shall be responsible for training and instruction of their own employees. Personnel assigned to work in areas where they may be exposed to hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide shall be trained by a hydrogen sulfide safety instruc­tor, as defined in Par. 5.6.

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