понедельник, 19 апреля 2010 г.


Dates, instructors, attendees, and subjects for all personnel training sessions shall be documented and appropriate records should be retained for a minimum of one year.


5.10.1 Enclosed Facilities and Confined Space Entry

Refer to 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910.146 for OSHA's confined space entry regulations. Refer to Section 12, "Operations Involving Enclosed Facilities", for some topics that may be used in training personnel for enclosed fa­cilities work. Refer to Pars. 9.17 and 9.18 for further precau-

tionary information on entry into confined spaces (including vessels) and enclosed facilities.

5.10.2 Respiratory Problems

Personnel with known physiological or psychological conditions which impair normal respiration shall not be as­signed to jobs involving potential exposure to a hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide environment if use of the breathing equipment or exposure will complicate their respiratory problems. Refer to OSHA's Respiratory Protection Standard (29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910.134).

Note: Personnel assigned job-related tasks requiring routine use of breathing equipment shall have a periodic review to determine their physiological and psychological adequacy for use of this equipment (refer to 29 Code of Fed­eral Regulations Part 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2.

5.10.3 Perforated Eardrums

There are differences of opinion17 in the medical commu­nity about whether a person with a perforated eardrum can become overexposed to a toxic substance via the ear even when wearing properly functioning breathing apparatus (re­fer to Par. 6.4). Refer to Appendix A.

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