1 Physical Data
Chemical Name: Hydrogen Sulfide
CAS Number 7783-06-4
Synonyms: Sulfureted hydrogen, hydrosulfuric acid, dihy-drogen sulfide.
Chemical Family: Inorganic sulfide.
Chemical Formula: H2S.
Normal Physical State: Colorless gas, slightly heavier than air. Vapor density (specific gravity) at 59°F (15°C) and 1 atmosphere- 1.189.
Autoignition Temperature: 500°F (260°C).
Boiling Point: -76.4°F (-60.2°C).
Melting Point: -117.2°F (-82.9°C).
Flammable Limits: 4.3 - 46 percent vapor by volume in air.
Solubility: Soluble in water and oil; solubility decreases as the fluid temperature increases.
Combustibility: Burns with a blue flame to produce sulfur dioxide (SO2). Refer to Appendix B.
Odor and Warning Properties: Hydrogen sulfide has an extremely unpleasant odor, characteristic of rotten eggs, and is easily detected at low concentrations. However, due to rapid onset of olfactory fatigue and paralysis (inability to smell) ODOR SHALL NOT BE USED AS A WARNING MEASURE.
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